May Photo Challenge

May 1st: Peace

May 2nd: Skyline

Jersey City View of New York

May 3rd: Something you wore today

My work uniform

May 4th: Fun!

A Yankee Game

May 5th: Bird

My face when I see a bird

May 6th: You

That's me 

May 7th: Someone that inspires you 

My family inspires and motivates me everyday.

May 8th: a smell you adore

Buffalo Wild Wings 

May 9th: Something you do everyday

Drink Coffee

May 10th: Favorite Word


May 11th: Kitchen

May 12th: Something that makes you happy

My sister and Andrew

May 13th: Mom

Love her

May 14th: Grass

Kean University Campus

May 15th: Love

Big Macs

May 16th: What you're reading

The fault in our stars

May 17th: Snack

Gummy Bears

May 18th: Something you made

A lit gingerbread house

May 19th: A favorite place

The beach on an Island

May 20th: Something you can't live without

Coffee and Makeup

May 21st: Where you stand

You know

May 22nd: Pink

Penny in Pink

May 23rd: Technology

A Laptop

May 24th: Something new

My 2nd tattoo

May 25th: Unusual

I found this in the strawberries at work

May 26th: 12 o'clock

12pm pictures

May 27th: something sweet

This amazing ice cream cone

May 28th: The weather today 


May 29th: A number

May 30th: Your Personality

Me.. always laughing or smiling

May 31st: Something beautiful

My prom dress

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