Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Adobe Photoshop Express
         As everyone knows, in photography class we use Adobe Photoshop. This app is so similar to it. It’s very nice and easy to understand. As well as having different filters to choose from, you can also edit the picture in many other ways like adjusting the exposure, contrast, and many more. Just like the program we use on our computers.
   The only downside to this app is that you can only use it to edit your pictures. It doesn’t let you work with your pictures until it is actually taken, unlike other apps where you can adjust things while you are in the camera mode. Other than that, this is a great app to use to make your pictures better.
                There are many different things that you can work with. Another thing you can do on this app is blemish and red eye fixes. You can’t do these types of things on Instagram. The only thing you can do on the app is add filters.  
              Just like the computer program as well, you can bounce back between the original image and the edited version that you are working on to see how good it looks since you started the edit.
                               Many might compare this app to Instagram but it turns out that this one is way better. On Instagram you can’t alter things like the exposure, shadow, and clarity. There is also a lot more choices of filters on this app but most times they aren’t needed because of all the other changes you can make to the picture.



The two pictures above are obviously the same picture but on has been edited by adjusting many different things.  In the first picture (the original) it’s really yellow because of the lighting in my room. The app gave me the option to change the temperature of the picture which allows you to make it more yellow or bluer. To cancel out the yellow tint in the picture I made it cooler to give it the blue color. In the end I feel my editing was pretty successful and the final product looks better than the original. 

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